Olivia Jones

Olivia is passionate about transforming spaces into immersive experiences that engage, inspire, and enhance the lives of those who experience them.  She strongly believes that the built environment influences people's emotions and behaviors. If she can improve the human experience in any built environment, she feels she is leaving the world a better place.

Her love for innovative design started at a young age, where she found herself re-painting and redesigning her bedroom at the age of 12. Olivia received her degree in Interior Architecture from the University of Kansas where she then moved to Colorado to follow her dreams of living in the mountains. She enjoys being a part of IIDA and The Tea committee, growing relations and making an impact on the Denver design community.


Free Time Activity: I love to paint, draw, embroider, make clothing, and everything in between

 Fun Fact: I'm from St. Louis, MO and have a 22-year-old brother and a 5-year-old brother

 Bucket List: Traveling the world!

 Guilty Pleasure: Movie Theatre popcorn